Koledar dogodkov

Dogodek: Koncert: 3D prasci in Beat Degeneration

Datum: 27.05.2016
Ura: 21:00

Kraj: Ajdovščina
Lokacija: Klub Baza

Organizator: KUD Neznani junak

3dprasci.jpg 3D PRASCI fusion jazz blues rock

 Prasci smo z žrtjem iz skupnega korita na kmetiji pr Rabindijevem Grangiju začel že doug nazaj. No, pa sma še zmirej lntkejle. Špilama rad, se mau purinema, pa grima naprej. ma Rimljani in sma Prasci, radi ukazujemo in rad kirga jebemo u glavo. Usakič kašn najebe. Rad se igrama s s kitaram, bubnm, sintiči pa efekti in delama tak fjužn, da se še uni Anapeji Krančevi, ka je zbežala ad tahribskih, veselička rasteguje da nebes.


 nemarni Jure Duh – Dzhuko (vokal, kitara, synth)


 spolzko opolzek Dejan Slak – Sleyk (bas kitara, vokal, klaviature)


 svinjsko seksi Marko Grubar – Mari (bobni)


 BEAT DEGENERATION beat/power pop

 Trio v stilu Assexuals, Doughboys, Lemonheads, The Presidents of the USA


 BEAT DEGENERATION is the new project of Guido Giorgi Since 2013 already as a multi-instrumentalist Italian Acid rock band Jennifer Gentle draws attention to itself. For his solo debut Dream Machine wrote and produced all the songs on his own. Out Come here is a power-pop album full of lively guitar songs that now appear, inter alia, on Burger Records. Inspire Guido let this makes of his youth idols such as Jesus And The Mary Chain, My Bloody Valentine and T.Rex or casts a refreshing modern sound that good mood and desire for the summer!











vrata ob 21:00

koncert ob 22:30



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